Amino Acid Overview
These days’ body builders often sound like scientists talking about complex chemistry. This is because research into what makes the body add muscle has been intensive, as different supplement companies vies to out compete each other in an increasingly competitive market place. One thing often mentioned is ‘amino acids’ and they have come to take on an almost legendary role in body building circles.
In the context of chemistry an amino acid is a molecule containing both amine and carboxyl. And whilst there is no point getting too technical there are a few basic points about amino acids which should be of interest to all body builders, namely:
Amino acids are critical to life
They play a variety of roles in human metabolism
Of most interest to body builders is the fact they form the building blocks of protein which is the most basic component of muscle
Proteins are linear chains of amino acids
Amino acids also play a large range of other roles such forming parts of other biological molecules
They can also act as ‘pre cursors’ triggering synthesis of other materials required by the body
It is for these reasons that amino acids are very important in nutrition
There are aminos that are considered essential to life and those which although not essential certainly are important to healthy functioning
It will be clear to anyone who takes body building seriously that amino acids play a pivotal role in helping to build lean muscle mass, and therefore their availability to the body is of critical importance.
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